Singing Guide: Johann Verminnen

Singing Guide: Johann Verminnen

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Johann Verminnen is a Belgian singer-songwriter who has produced a remarkable oeuvre of French and Dutch language songs. He has a unique style that blends chanson, pop, and rock elements into a delightful and reflective musical experience. In this article, we will explore Verminnen's distinguished vocal style, examine his signature songs, and provide practical tips for learning to sing like him.

Verminnen has an unmistakable voice, defined by a warm and intimate timbre and subtle nuances of expression. His vocal technique interweaves elements of falsetto and chest voice, which he uses to great effect to create a sense of intimacy, vulnerability, and emotion in his performances. In addition, Verminnen's captivating vibrato and perfect pitch elevate his singing into a league of its own.

One of Verminnen's most famous songs is "La Mer du Nord." This iconic tune showcases his unique vocal style, with its gentle verses leading to a hauntingly beautiful chorus that showcases Verminnen's perfect pitch and subtle use of falsetto. Another example is "Bruxelles," where the lyrics paint a vivid picture of the city of Brussels, and the chorus echoes the city's vibrancy in a joyous melody that showcases Verminnen's vocal range and emotional singing style.

To learn to sing like Verminnen, you need to start by developing good breathing techniques that will allow you to produce a warm and intimate timbre. Singing Carrots' breathing and warm-up exercises such as Active and Passive Breathing can help you to develop your breathing control and master your vocal range. Additionally, singing in French and Dutch languages can help you to develop the unique nuances of Verminnen's musical expression, which relies on the rhythms and intonations of these languages.

Incorporating the use of vibrato, like in the Beggars Bounce video, can help you to develop a similar style to Verminnen's voice. Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking like in the mentioned article can also help you to understand how Verminnen pours his emotions into his singing. Controlling the voice registers and discovering the right voice type are essential skills, and Voice registers, vowel placement, and voice break articles at Singing Carrots offer great insight into mastering them.

Singing Carrots' Song search and Song-book are perfect to help you find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference as you study Verminnen's work. In conclusion, by mastering Verminnen's techniques and exploring his discography, you can learn to sing like him and develop your vocal talents to new heights of expression.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.